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首页 > 资料下载 > 镀膜仪文献:通过调制光致发光和光吸收,浸涂纳米碳管的光学气体感应


点击次数:809 发布时间:2020/8/13
提 供 商: 北京东方德菲仪器有限公司 资料大小:
图片类型: 下载次数: 100
资料类型: PDF 浏览次数: 809
详细介绍: 文件下载    

Photoluminescence (PL) and optical absorption (OA) of single-wall carbon nanotube (CNT) thin films are shown to substantially change after exposure to NO 2 or NH 3 gas. These films prepared by dipcoating in surfactant-aided CNT dispersions consist of unbundled and well-exposed tubes; the former property enables the detection of PL, a task difficult for bundled CNTs, while the latter enlarges the effective surface area available for gas adsorption. The observed changes correspond well to those in electrical resistance, which are consistently explained by charge transfer between the CNTs and the gas molecules. Highly resolved spectral peaks in two-dimensional PL excitation contour maps and their changes induced by the gas exposure revealed that wider tubes are more sensitive to gas adsorption.

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