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首页 > 资料下载 > 声悬浮文献:液滴的声悬浮--动力学,操纵和相变


点击次数:782 发布时间:2020/8/24
提 供 商: 北京东方德菲仪器有限公司 资料大小:
图片类型: 下载次数: 99
资料类型: PDF 浏览次数: 782
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The technique of acoustic levitation normally produces a standing wave and the potential well of the sound field can be used to trap small objects. Since no solid surfaces is involved it has been widely applied for the study of fluid physics, nucleation, bio/chemical processes, and various forms of soft matter. In this article, we survey the works on drop dynamics in acoustic levitation, focus on how the dynamic behavior is related to the rheological properties and dicuss the possibility to develop a novel rheometer based on this technique. We review the methods and applicatiom of acoustic levitation for the manipulation of both liquid and soild samples and emphasize the important progress made in the study of phase transitions and bio-chemical analysis. We also highlight the possible open areas for future reseach.

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