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北京东方德菲仪器有限公司SVT20N视频旋转滴张力仪使用 “旋转滴方法研究界面扩张流变性质”的文章 在物理化学学报上发表
张磊1 宫清涛1 周朝辉1 王武宁2 张路1 赵濉1 余稼镛1
(1中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京 100080;2 北京东方德菲仪器有限公司,北京 100089)
关键词:旋转滴方法; 烷基苯磺酸盐; 界面扩张性质; 扩张模量
Study of Interfacial Dilational Properties by the Spinning Drop Technique
ZHANG Lei1 GONG Qing-Tao1 ZHOU Zhao-Hui1 WANG Wu-Ning2
ZHANG Lu1 ZHAO Sui1 YU Jia-Yong1
(1 Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100080, p.R.China;
2 Beijing Eastern-Dataphy Instruments Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100089, p.R.China)
Abstract: The dilational viscoelastic properties of 4,5-dihepty-2-propylbenzene sulfonate (DHPBS) at the decane/water interface were investigated with a spinning drop tensiometer. The instrument of the spinning drop tensiometer SVT20N and the corrrlative experimental method were discussed in detail. The influence of oil drop volume, rotational speed, and oscillating amplitude on the interfacial dilational modulus were expounded. Experimental results show that spinning drop analysis is a novel method for probing interfacial dilational properties and has good prospects for application in the measurement of low interfacial tension phenomena.
Key word: Spinning drop analysis; Sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate; Interfacial dilational property;
Dilational modilus
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